Proud Therapy Advocate!

Last winter I fell into a really dark place in my life. I experienced a loss that led me to question everything — my career choice, my values + beliefs, & even my faith. For those of you that know me, you know how troubling these doubts + questions were for me. I was deep in a hole that I truly could not see a way out of. I was burnt out & exhausted & couldn’t see a point in anything anymore. (I was by no means feeling suicidal, but I was incredibly lost). This was such a hopeless & heartbreaking place, because deep down I knew that I loved my job; knew that I stood firm in my values & beliefs; knew that I am a loyal Christ follower. I just could not reset myself, no matter what I did.

As someone who is trained in mental health, I was certain that I could “fix” myself & that I shouldn’t have to ask for help. This is my career field for heaven’s sake! After months of struggling + battling my own stubborness (& some encouragement from family), I finally did it: I asked for help.

With the cold weather coming through, it has reminded me that this time period was almost a year ago. It is so comforting to now have the perspective from the ‘other side’. I am so thankful for my therapist — for the ways she has validated my feelings & challenged me to grow (which isn’t always super fun, by the way lol).

Yesterday my principal came to talk to me about a coworker who is really struggling with some things in her personal life. My principal told her about how I’ve been going to therapy + doing a lot of work on myself, & that I highly recommend it. She encouraged her to reach out to me because I’ve shared my story with others & set them up with similar resources. This conversation was so eye-opening for me. If you had told me a year ago that I would be in the place that I am now, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. I say to students all the time, “it will get better”. & I can say this because I truly know that it does!
I am really proud that, even as an adult, I am known for being a therapy advocate & helping to change the stigma around ‘going to therapy’. We all deserve to feel our best. There’s nothing wrong with needing a little help to get there.

* insert Miracle Power by We The Kingdom here! *


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